Senin, 20 April 2020


Cowrium 플랫폼
Cowrium은 중소기업이 포괄적 인 블록 체인 솔루션을 쉽게 채택하여 중소기업 산업을 통해 비즈니스를 수행하는 수천 명의 고객에게 더 효과적으로 접근 할 수 있도록 개발 된 블록 체인 프로젝트입니다.

Cowrium 플랫폼의 공식 암호화 폐인 Cowrie 코인은 실제 돈을 효과적으로 대체 할 디지털 통화를 나타냅니다. 목표는 사용하기 쉬운 플랫폼을 통해 블록 체인 기술의 채택을 늘리는 것입니다.

Cowrium은 2 홉 네트워크를 사용합니다. 첫 번째 홉에서 광부는 블록을 식별하고 블록 체인에 트랜잭션을 기록합니다. 물론 광부는 그 대가로 채굴 된 새로운 동전으로 보상을받습니다. 다른 홉은 가상 사설 서버 (VPS)에서 호스팅되는 마스터 노드로 구성됩니다. 이들은 즉시 및 개인 거래, 예산 책정 및 분산 관리를 가능하게하는 특수 서버입니다.

마이닝 : Cowrium 블록 체인은 CPU 및 GPU 마이너를위한 지원 시스템으로 브라우저 내 마이닝과 모바일 마이닝을 결합하여 Cowrium의 해시 비율을 실제로 분산시키고 51 % 공격으로부터 보호하며 웹 및 모바일 채굴 자에게 더 나은 수익성을 제공합니다.

마스터 노드 : 마스터 노드 : Cowrium POS 마스터 노드는 Dash와 유사하며, 네트워크에 거의 즉각적으로 제공하고 익명 거래뿐만 아니라 지불을 보호합니다. Cowrium Blockchain을 사용하면 CWR 보유자가 네트워크를 보호하는 데 대한 대가로 스테이 킹을 통해 고정 보상을 얻을 수 있습니다.

글쎄, 기존의 암호화 시스템은 저비용, 국경 간 지불 등의 일을 위해 누군가가 잠재력이 높은 블록 체인 기술에 투자하거나 이익을 얻는 것을 매우 쉽게 만들지 않습니다. 또한 심각한 부족이 있습니다. cryptocurrencies를 사용하는 실제 응용 프로그램.

Cowrium은 소규모 기업이 블록 체인 솔루션을 쉽게 채택하여 고객 도달 범위를 향상시키고 고급 기술 리소스로 비즈니스를 성장시키는 데 도움이되는 블록 체인 에코 시스템으로이를 변경하는 것을 목표로합니다.

Cowrium을 다른 대부분의 블록 체인 플랫폼보다 향상시키는 기능 중 일부는 다중 통화 지불 시스템, 2 홉 (PoW / PoS) 프로토콜이있는 스마트 계약 라이브러리, 원자 교환, 지능형 풀링 시스템, 하이퍼 블록 기술, 기업 개인 계약, 되풀이를 포함합니다 결제 예약, PrivateSend, 다중 암호화 알고리즘 지원, Polysig를 통한 서명 및 주소, InstantSend, 하위 체인 간의 스마트 계약 상호 작용, Conventional Ledger와 Old Legacy System (뱅킹) 및 New Ledger (Blockchain) 간의 상호 운용성, 판매자 웹 솔루션 , 멀티 코인 브라우저 및 모바일 지갑, 중소 기업을위한 맞춤형 HTML API, 소비자를위한 선불 직불 카드, 가맹점 로열티 프로그램 및 추천 보상.

Cowrium Project는 기존 경제 개발을 목표로하는 블록 체인 일뿐만 아니라 블록 체인 기술을 기반으로하는 완전히 새로운 경제 시스템입니다.

Cowrium과 같은 강력한 독립 네트워크를 구축하기위한 첫 번째 요구 사항은 사용자가 Cowrie (CWR) 코인을 획득하고 사용할 수있는 유동성과 다양한 방법을 제공하는 것입니다. 이를 위해 재능 있고 경험이 풍부한 개발자 팀이 거래자와 사용자가 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 고유 한 경제 시스템을 구축하기 위해 열심히 노력하고 있습니다.

시스템의 모든 장치는 Cowrium Pay 모듈에 직접 연결되어 사용자가 고유 한 ID를 제공해야합니다. 이것은 전체 경제 시스템의 금융 시스템으로 작용하여 ATM, POS 터미널 또는 카드 리더와 함께 사용할 수 있도록 Cowrium Pay Debit / Credit 카드를 저장, 인출, 지불, CWR 코인 대여, 링크 또는 요청할 수 있습니다. 세계 . Cowrium Payment Module 및 Financial System은 Cowrium Foundation과는 별도의 기관에서 지원합니다.

또한 성공적이고 독립적 인 경제 시스템을 만들기 위해 Cowrium Network는 Dash를 포함한 여러 암호 화폐에서 발견 된 거버넌스 기능을 구현할 것입니다. 이 기능은 이벤트 후원자, 자선 단체, 개발자 선물 등을 포함하여 커뮤니티 회원이 제출 한 제안을 선택, 자금 지원 또는 거부하는 기능을 포함하여 마스터 노드 보유자에게 특정 권한을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 크라우드 펀딩 기능을 통해 커뮤니티는 타사 개발 팀에 의존하지 않고 미디어 / 이벤트 개발 프로젝트 및 쇼를위한 기금을 모을 수 있습니다.

다중 통화 결제 시스템-가맹점과 소비자가 전용 모바일 및 웹 앱을 통해 모든 코인에서 결제를 할 수 있습니다.
하위 체인 간의 스마트 계약 상호 작용-기능을 통해 Cowrium 및 Private Masternodes를 통해 블록 체인의 상호 운용성이 가능합니다.
Multicurrency ICO Platform-ICO가 원하는 암호 화폐로 지불을 수락 할 수있는 기능을 제공합니다.
Smart Contract Library-기존 PoW (1 홉)와 비교하여 2- 홉-작업 증명 대 스테이크 증명 프로토콜을 구현하여 보안을 강화하고 쉽게 구현할 수 있습니다.
InstantSend-InstantSend 기술로 알려진 거의 즉각적인 결제는 대시 1.3 초에 비해 거래 당 평균 0.5 초로 설계되었습니다.
PrivateSend-이 기술은 마스터 노드 네트워크를 통해 자금을 혼합하여 자금의 출처를 거의 추적 할 수 없습니다.
계약에 참여하려는 사용자 만 실행할 수 있지만 공개적으로 확인할 수있는 엔터프라이즈 개인 계약.
지능형 풀링 시스템-지연을 방지하기 위해 트랜잭션의 우선 순위를 지정하여 기존 블록 체인의 Mempool 과부하 문제를 효과적으로 해결합니다.
하이퍼 블록 기술-트랜잭션을 정기적으로 압축하여 블록 체인 크기를 줄이고 RAM / 드라이브 공간 요구 사항을 줄임으로써 고성능 및 확장 성을 제공합니다.
Polysig를 통한 다중 암호화 알고리즘, 서명 및 주소 지원-양자 공격에 대한 보호 기능 제공.
Atomic Swap (Atomic Swap)-Cowrium 사용자 지갑에서 사용 가능한 스마트 계약 기능으로 타사없이 다양한 암호 화폐 (코인)간에 교환 할 수 있습니다.
반복 결제 및 예약 결제 기능은 사용자가 지갑을 통해 반복 결제 또는 구독 결제를 예약 할 수있는 기능입니다.
추천 리워드 프로그램-고객과 가맹점은 다른 사람을 추천하여 플랫폼에 가입함으로써 더 많은 수익을 올릴 수 있습니다.
가맹점 로열티 프로그램-웹 사이트 / 앱을 통해 가맹점에서 채굴 된 CWR 코인 형태의 보상을 사용자에게 제공 할 수 있습니다.

Cowrium 프로젝트는 다음 5 가지 엔티티로 구성됩니다.
다차원 적 스마트 계약
Cowrie-대중 중심의 암호 화폐
CowDEX-보안이 강화 된 분산 교환
ErrandBoy-Fiat에서 암호를 보내고받을 수있는 DAP
Cowrie Stability AI-시장을 예측하고 예측 가능한 솔루션을 제안 할 수있는 인공 지능 시스템-버퍼 시스템은 Cowrie를 안정화하고 시장 변동성으로부터 시스템을 보호합니다.

2020 년 1 월 1 일 시작 (00:01 AM UCT)
판매용 토큰 수 1,000,000,000 CWRX
2020 년 5 월 30 일 종료 (11:59 PM UCT)
토큰 환율 1 CWR = 0.075 USD
허용되는 통화 BTC, ETH, LTC, USD, NGN (12)
최소 거래 금액 단계에 따라 다름

사전 판매 : 2020 년 1 월 1 일-2020 년 1 월 31 일
공개 판매 : 2020 년 1 월 1 일-2020 년 5 월 30 일
토큰 공급 : 2,000,000,000 CWR
판매용 총 토큰 : 1,000,000 CWR
소프트 캡 : 500,000 USD
하드 캡 : 5,000,000 USD

토큰 분배 :
Cowrium is a Blockchain Platform to drive world SMEs., image #5
자금 할당 :
Cowrium is a Blockchain Platform to drive world SMEs., image #6
우리의 로드맵
Emmanuel Haastrup-창립자 / 최고 지휘자
Praveen Dagdi-제품 관리자
Deepanshu Bhatt-최고 마케팅 책임자
Shobhit Sharma-리드 : 블록 체인 개발
Priyanka Chouhan-리드 : 사업 개발
Aanuoluwapo 최고-리드 : 커뮤니티 개발
Kshama Verma-리드 : 백엔드 개발자, API, NODE
Pedetin A. Obadimeji-리드 : 법률

Chloe Khok-프로세스 및 교육
바도 파이살-사업 개발 (아프리카)
마리나 소 콜로 바-사업 개발 (동유럽)



Kamis, 16 April 2020


Bullion Exchange (eBLX) Initial Coin Offering — The Tokener
About eBLX
Bullion exchange that provides instant order placement and execution, free order cancellation, and real-time order book updates. BullionExchange (eBLX) provides a effective real-time, good supportive, responsive cryptocurrency exchange, Bullion exchange enables users to trade continuously without waiting for transactions to mine, fill multiple orders at once, and cancel orders anytime without any charge.

Direct-To-Consumer Decentralize Platform
Bullion exchange is created to solve many investors and cryptocurrency traders problems in cryptocurrency trading, there are many problems associated with many of these exchanges, problems like blocking users account, slow or no response from supprt, too much mainteanace of the exchange and affects many traders, so this project is made to create great trading experience for traders, the problems and the solutions has been highlighted below.

The Problem & Solution
Some other bitcoin exchanges has some problems like, slow or no support from the exchange, high withdrawal fee, unawareness of blocking of user account, slow withdrawals. We are going to solve these problem in this new exchange.

Token Details
Tokens Symbol: eBLX
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Decimals: 8
Contract Address: 0x84e8a50ca43e8f26094799ba60705475cf2b9832

Bounty Campaign 30%
Reserve Fund 20%
Team and Founders 15%
Board Advisors 10%
Ecosystem Development 10%
Marketing 15%

Funding Allocation
Product Develoment 40%
Business Development 12%
Marketing 20%
Legal & Regulation 10%
Partner/Investor 6%
Operational 8%
Contingency 4%

PRESALE: 200,000,000
TOKEN SALE: 600,000,000
BOUNTY: 5,000,000
TEAM: 50,000,000

Domain and Host aquisition.

And explation video aquisition.

Website development
Development of Exchange.

Gathering of team members.

Building of Telegram community
Building of Twitter community

Announcement on Bitcointalk
Announcement on other cryptocurrency forums and blogs.

Bounty Offer

Marketing & Advertising
Email newsletter marketing.
Promotion on cryptocurrency blogs

Token Distribution
Token distributed to team
Token distributed to bounty participants

Launch of Bullion Exchange
Bullion Crypto Exchange launching

Coinmarketcap Listing
Listing of Bullion Exchange on Coinmarketcap
Listing of eBLX token on coinmarketcap

Executive team
Abioye Usman - CEO & Founder
Ologun Henry - Blockchain Developer
Oluwafemi Emmanuel - Community Manager
Samuel Charles - CTO & Senior Developer

John Schmidt - Board Advisor




HACKENPROOF is a bug bounty platform that helps businesses protect their digital assets, the personal data of customers, and their reputation through crowdsourced security.
By combining a “crowd” of cybersecurity researchers (white hat hackers) with the HackenProof platform, we deliver services that traditional cybersecurity firms cannot. Conventional cybersecurity companies are constrained by the size of their teams, as the amount of time and skill available is limited. A bug bounty platform solves this issue since hundreds of security researchers test products on a continuous basis. This approach allows vulnerabilities to be identified more efficiently and thus prevent possible cyber threats.
The HackenProof platform brings together a large number of expert white hat hackers from all over the world, specializing in finding vulnerabilities in various technologies such as web, mobile, hardware/IoT, and especially in Blockchain applications and smart contracts.
The core of the HackenProof platform is ethical cooperation between cybersecurity professionals and responsible IT companies that care about the security of their products. We ensure responsible and coordinated vulnerability disclosure and encourage white hat hackers to protect modern businesses.

HackenAI Solution
Right now, everybody is looking for a solution that will provide them with some peace of mind without having any expert cybersecurity knowledge. Fortunately, there is a product that does exactly this: HackenAI.
HackenAI is a revolutionary, 360° cybersecurity companion product that incentivizes users to learn good cybersecurity habits. Powered by the native HAI token, HackenAI takes ownership of user cybersecurity by consistently watching all potential threats and malpractices, and immediately prompts users with timely, detailed information. It even suggests steps to take in mitigating the risks of exploitation.
For early adopters and users who were not involved in any cybersecurity activities, they start with a dashboard of practical educational modules they’ll need to complete in order to achieve a 99.9% level of protection against known cybersecurity threats. HackenAI will drive users through notifications and clear guidance and will keep a positive track for everyday practical knowledge wins.

Market Opportunity
Just like antiviruses software has helped to protect almost every computer since the ’90s, users in the new digital era need cybersecurity assistance to form a preventive shield from new and growing cybersecurity threats. With all of these threats constantly on the minds of both current investors and sideline investors, there is an increased demand for products that put these fears to rest.

HackenAI’s mission is to improve individual’s cybersecurity knowledge through education, a variety of tools gathered in one app, and incentification. HackenAI is free to install and to use the first six months after the successful completion of all CyberBootCamp modules.

Revenue model
For the purpose of sustainable HackenAI development and HAI demand growth, we will require monthly subscription payments for all HackenAI modules activation. Subscription fees will be introduced at HackenAI Beta release. At Beta release, subscription fees will be paid in HAI only and is variable depending on HAI market price. Users are charged with an advanced monthly payment every first day of the month.
VTHO costs for transaction are included in the monthly subscription fee. Later HackenAI releases will introduce an embedded decentralized exchange module, which will allow users to pay fiat and other cryptocurrencies for the HackenAI subscription fee. Paid funds are used to automatically buy the required amount of HAI and send them to the Hacken corporate account to complete the subscription payment cycle.

Referral bonus program
To accelerate the rate of adoption, we will introduce a referral bonus program for all of our users. Pitching HackenAI is easy, since it solves everyone’s real-life problems.

HAI as a key element for HackenAI user base growth
HackenAI is fully powered by HAI token that is an essential part of the application. When the App is installed, the user experience starts with an educational CyberBootCamp. Users receive their first HAI tokens as a reward for successful completion of BootCamp modules. If all tests are passed the user will get enough tokens to use all HackenAI functions six months for free. For most of HackenAI users, HAI token will be their first digital asset.

HKN Migration
Hacken Ecosystem ERC20 token HKN will migrate from the Ethereum Blockchain to the VeChainThor blockchain. During this process, the current HKN tokens will be converted to HAI tokens minted on the VeChainThor Blockchain as a VIP180 token.

Preventative measures go along way in healthcare and cybersecurity. However, many individuals don’t invest in preventative measures to improve their health or their cybersecurity protocols. Typically, we only visit doctors when there’s a problem or seek professional IT help after an attack.

Hacken Services Portfolio:
1. Offensive Testing & Defensive Services
• Web application penetration testing (“pentest”)
• Mobile application pentesting
• Social engineering testing
2. Incident Response & Brand Protection
• Cybersecurity forensics
• Malware analysis
• Phishing response
3. Hardware Security
• IoT and Crypto wallets
4. Managed Services
• DS\IPS\NGFW design\maintenance
• Anti-DDOS\Waf design\maintenance
5. Security Operations
• Security architecture consultancy
• Security hardening

Subscription Rules
Token Sale Period: · 21:00, Apr. 13th, 2020 (UTC+8) — 21:00, Apr. 14th, 2020 (UTC+8).
During the Token Sale Period, participants can subscribe HAI tokens by using VET subject to their Maximum Token Subscription Amounts. The tokens used for subscription will be locked and deducted from your balance for the lock-up period.
New Token Distribution: OceanEx will distribute new tokens and refund the rest of VET to participants’ accounts before 10:00, April 15th, 2020 (UTC+8).

OceanEx GO! Allocation
Token Available for OceanEx GO! : 40,000,000 HAI
The OceanEx GO Token Sale is open to OCE Club Members and VET X Node holders Only.
Special Bonus: If you are a VeChainThor X Node Holder or an OCE Club Member higher than Level 1 , you will be granted a special Token Subscription Price Discount based on your X Node type and OCE Club membership level. If you have both an X-Node and an OCE Club membership, you will enjoy the more favorable bonus out of these two structures. (See table below)

  • Token Name: HAI
  • Token Sale Hard Cap: 400,000 USD
  • Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 HAI
  • OceanEx GO!’s Allocation: · 40,000,000 HAI (4% of Total Token Supply)
  • Subscription Token: VET
  • Public Sale Token Price: 1 HAI = 0.01 USD (price in VET will be determined within 72 hours prior to the token sale)
  • Token Sale Method: Weighted Average Allocation
  • HAI will be issued on the VeChainThor Blockchain

  • Public issuance 5,0%
  • Technical 20,0%
  • Marketing 20,0%
  • Equity investors 10,0%
  • Reserved 7,0%
  • HKN holders 8,0%
  • Private Sale 10,0%
  • Team 10,0%
  • Partners and Advisors 10,0%

Use of Proceeds
  • General & Administrative 16,9%
  • App Running Cost 12,3%
  • User Aquisition Compaign 13,1%
  • Localization 10,8%
  • App Development 20,9%
  • Research & Development 7,7%
  • Business Development 18,4%

Q4 2019
• HackenAI development began
Client platforms:
• iOS and Android applications
• Passwords manager
• Cyber BootCamp
• NonCustodial Crypto Wallet (HAI)
• Guardians access recovery
• Referral system
• Compromised accounts monitoring

Q2 2020
Client platforms:
• Desktop applications: MacOS and Windows
• Web browser extensions

• Secure storage (Notes, Keys, and more)
• Digital assets tracker with exchange integrations and monitoring of most popular
• Import/export data from password storages and managers
• Adding more cryptocurrencies support to wallet
• Two-factor authentication (OTP generation)

Q3 2020
Client platforms:
• HackenAI Web version
• Items sharing
• Emergency contact
• External service for top-up balance
• DEX integration
• CER crypto exchanges monitoring service
• Cybersec Marketplace

Q4 2020
• Identity manager for password manager
• Passwords changer for most popular web services
• Dark web monitoring
• Blockchain data backup

• VPN service
• Proxy and identity hide for web browser extensions
• Blockchain data backup

Dmitriy Budorin is co-founder and CEO at Hacken, leading blockchain cybersecurity
consulting company, and CER, crypto exchanges ranking and certification platform. Today
Dmitriy is a worldwide expert in cryptocurrency exchanges security and transparency.
Previously he was a top-level executive in Ukraine's military defense industry. As an ACCA,
his other achievements include an eight-year career at Deloitte in financial and IT audit.

Andrii is a highly qualified cybersecurity expert with 14 years of success and experience in
the industry. He is a certified expert in several areas and has more than 10 certificates of
competence. His role at Hacken is to provide technological leadership in developing,
integrating, and supporting the ecosystem.

HackenProof Managing Lead
Evgenia is a co-founder of Hacken and CEO of HackenProof. In her role, she unites the efforts
of bug hunters, internal security team, as well as sales and product teams to provide security
excellence for responsible business.

Blockchain Security Lead
Pavel is the Blockchain Security Lead at Hacken. Pavel has managed 100+ consulting
projects including smart contract audit and blockchain protocol security review. He is the
main organizer of #blockchainhackers meetups - networking events for all people interested
in blockchain security. Pavlo is true builder, who participated (and won) in several hackathons, developed several programming languages, and has strong application security background.

HackenAI Product Manager
Ivan is a product manager with deep knowledge in cybersecurity, adtech, and mobile app
development. Ivan has more than 10 years of experience in product and project management.

Project Manager
Nazar is a qualified project manager with more than five years of experience in finance,
venture capital, and startup management. Nazar has extensive experience building startups
from scratch and is an important part of the team.

HackenAI Twitter:
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VeChain Developer Docs:


Our Vision
We envision to revolutionize the entire eco-style of the jewelry industry by utilizing emerging technologies namely blockchain, cryptography, smart contracts, AI and Fintech. We aim to create an ecosystem where we make it easy for individuals - whether ordinary consumers or institutional investors - to invest in businesses that are supported by a complete ecosystem of precious metals, stone and jewelry factories & retail businesses, while also maintaining security, audit capabilities and liquidity .

Our mission
Goldario aims to be the world's leading choice platform for consumers and businesses engaged in the jewelry industry. It seeks to enable users to acquire and own physical mining rights, jewelry manufacturing plants and jewelry retail businesses from around the world, and by doing so, create assets that underlie potential support for Goldario (GLD) Tokens.

Liquidity and Accessibility
By exchanging trusted digital assets, Goldario gives users the opportunity to easily liquidate, access and exchange valuable commodities, namely metals and precious stones through GLD Tokens, which can be exchanged in crypto trade exchanges and can also be used for peer-to-peer exchanges of value. Built as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, GLD Tokens can be easily moved or traded anywhere in the world, 24/7.

Lower Investment Limit
Unlike traditional startups or early-stage companies, where the entry of a person with low investment is almost impossible, Goldario through commodity tokenisation and its business model offers a lower investment minimum.

Trusted and Regulated
Goldario is regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA) and its parent company ESC Management AS is a public company in Estonia.

Underlying Business Potential
Goldario deals with potential businesses that have an estimated market valuation of more than 480 billion USD in the next 5 years. In this way, the original token, the GLD Token, will capture income from the underlying business activities, helping to record value growth

Data transparency
Traceability and transparency are very important in the various steps involved in the precious metal supply chain. US ESC Management tracks the progress of the companies they invest in.

Passive income
Get periodic dividends to hold your assets through a pre-determined trustworthy smart contract. All income and profit distributions are monitored and audited by third party evaluators and auditors, ensuring that token holders get the best return on their investment.

Token Allocation
Sold through Block Processor 5%
Bonus allocation at BP 15%
Exchange Sales 20%
Sales discount of 10%
50% Bounty Representative

Fund Distribution Plan
60% direct investment
Marketing and Bouncing 30%
4% operation
3% platform development
Team Development 2%
Founding Team 1%

Goldario has an existing infrastructure in Brazil under the name G44 SA (CNPJ: 28,839,840 / 0001-61) and where it has Emerald Mines (G44 Mineração (CNPJ: 31,975,883 / 0001-89) Gemstone Cutting and Polishing Factory , Jewelry Manufacturing Factory, jewelry Retail Business VERT VIVANT (CNPJ: 34,461,941 / 0001-44) and HJOMAA E G44 Mineração (CNPJ: 30,033,381 / 0001-76) shares in gold mines with many reserves. Inoex. Exchnage (Crypto Trading / Crypto Exchange) (CNPJ: 31,548,911 / 0001-81), To develop the necessary infrastructure and expand our operations throughout the world, we have drawn up concrete plans and ambitious road maps, given below.
Explore Goldario's Journey:
This business is planned and proposed in 2015 and the story begins to be told since 2017 when building a team that contains INOEX, a cryptocurrency exchange. Immediately afterwards, opportunities arose to expand the company's business in a new field: MINING. The emerald mine in Campos Verdes, Goiás, and share ownership in a gold mine in the north of the country, in the Lourenço district, in Calçoene.
G44 Brazil SA arrived in the emerald city with determination and brave purpose.
INOEX - Inoex.Exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform that was launched in 2017 and runs successfully with a large number of daily transactions in cryptocurrency exchanges and trading on the MetaTrader5 Platform with various possibilities, such as technical analysis, trading charts and robots, etc.
GOLD - Gold mining was conducted with the HJomaa e G44Mineração company, in Lourenço, in the Cidade Calçoene district in Amapá, where the gold mined together with the extracted emerald stones was converted into jewelry sold by the group.
Holding the largest emerald mine in Latin America by having an emerald stock stock and already thinking 5 Million Carats and in the process of cutting and polishing already 400+ miners work there.
Official geologist assessment report. See Report
This assessment report is not even 5% of the total area of ​​the G44 Emeralds Mine.
Vivant Vert. - In 2019, we have launched our jewelry shop, Vert Vivant. The company produces and sells high-end jewelry retail and through direct sales. Soon our store will open in two of the biggest malls in the country. This project is already underway.
Goldario - Now in 2020, we have brought our ICO platform, which is fully supported by the ECO Cycle of Precious Stones (Real Emeralds and Gold Mines), Precious Metals, jewelery and the G44 SA Manufacturing and Retail business network.
Rilis White Paper V1.0
Website release
Kickoff marketing
Formation of advisory board
Private Round Token Sales
Participation in blockshow and blockchain conferences
Public Round Token Sales

Saleem Zaheer - CEO
Joselita Esocobar - CO-CEO
Nicacio Neto - CTO
Jose Avallone - South American Legal Counsel
Mihhail Serle - European Legal Adviser
Joao Paulo Riberio - Backend Developer
Asad Cloud - Digital Team Leader
Mansoor Ahmed - Technical Manager
Jose Carlos Mengo - European Marketing Director
Ahmed Alalem - Middle East Marketing Director
Tanzil Ahmed - Indian Marketing Manager
Umair Shahid - Middle East Marketing Manager

